Jun 17, 2008 19:16:20 GMT -5
Post by walkerm on Jun 17, 2008 19:16:20 GMT -5
Are three different people going to RP the kits, or just one person?
I IS MEDDIE CAT! NOT A HAWK, MEDDIE CAT!!! ......................... Besides, Hawkstar leads on WoN.
Posts: 259
Jun 17, 2008 19:25:59 GMT -5
Post by CATxOFxICE on Jun 17, 2008 19:25:59 GMT -5
I sent a PM to Javu - Spiderstar and Mornignfrost were going to be mates and I thought we could have 5 kits just so 3 would be in the prophecy and then keep 2 for need in the Clan.
I could just use all 3 because they are going to........ snif...... die TT_TT....... But it's up to Javu
{{Edits}} I guess 4 kits since Leafkit's in..... Clawkit & Hinderkit as part of the prophecy and keeping Tigerkit and Merrykit
Jun 17, 2008 19:35:20 GMT -5
Post by walkerm on Jun 17, 2008 19:35:20 GMT -5
ooh, yay! I hate it when kits die--it's so sad that they never get to live to their full potential
Water Vole
Hey! I'm a deputy, not crowfood D:
Posts: 13
Jun 17, 2008 22:11:31 GMT -5
Post by Echo on Jun 17, 2008 22:11:31 GMT -5
Meh. If you think Mythicalpoison is too old, it's okay. I just thought it would be a neat twist...
Jun 18, 2008 11:23:17 GMT -5
Post by Larien Melwasúl on Jun 18, 2008 11:23:17 GMT -5
....I'm just going to wait until you all agree on stuff...okay?
Jun 18, 2008 11:59:23 GMT -5
Post by spottedshadow on Jun 18, 2008 11:59:23 GMT -5
Well, Mossstream is only like 15 moons old, she could be the she-cat that falls in love with the Hollyclan tom...
No. Seriously.
Posts: 55
Jun 18, 2008 14:06:06 GMT -5
Post by Surrle! on Jun 18, 2008 14:06:06 GMT -5
That would work. I guess... I think Larkcry would be nice with her, actually. Check his bio for me, will ya? Then tell me what you think. And I don't think Mythicalpoison is too old. She's like Larky's age, so that might be better.
I IS MEDDIE CAT! NOT A HAWK, MEDDIE CAT!!! ......................... Besides, Hawkstar leads on WoN.
Posts: 259
Jun 18, 2008 14:13:59 GMT -5
Post by CATxOFxICE on Jun 18, 2008 14:13:59 GMT -5
Icefeather needs a Rouge to like..... and I'll go make the BIO's for the kits! =3
No. Seriously.
Posts: 55
Jun 18, 2008 14:50:19 GMT -5
Post by Surrle! on Jun 18, 2008 14:50:19 GMT -5
I could make the rouge if you'd like, since I was going to make one anyway. He could be one of the ones that helps the Warrior, too, like Larien said, he could do two different things. His name would be Moffia. (XP I know it sucks)
I IS MEDDIE CAT! NOT A HAWK, MEDDIE CAT!!! ......................... Besides, Hawkstar leads on WoN.
Posts: 259
Jun 18, 2008 14:52:49 GMT -5
Post by CATxOFxICE on Jun 18, 2008 14:52:49 GMT -5
Apprentice and Warrior that find dead apprentice - I don't know if I already said this but it could be Limestone and Skypaw [JuniperClan]
Jun 18, 2008 21:11:31 GMT -5
Post by spottedshadow on Jun 18, 2008 21:11:31 GMT -5
That would work!!!
Clan Moderator
HollyClan Leader
Posts: 189
Jun 19, 2008 19:51:50 GMT -5
Post by Ravenstar on Jun 19, 2008 19:51:50 GMT -5
yeah, I was gonna say Skypaw could be the apprentice that found the dead apprentice or w/e....
No. Seriously.
Posts: 55
Jun 20, 2008 17:21:30 GMT -5
Post by Surrle! on Jun 20, 2008 17:21:30 GMT -5
Kay then. Skypaw. I'll make Moffia now... XD
Sneaky Kitty
Posts: 51
Jun 22, 2008 12:40:52 GMT -5
Post by Emzie on Jun 22, 2008 12:40:52 GMT -5
Darksonggggggg is a loner/rouge that steals prey from Vervain
Jun 22, 2008 20:42:29 GMT -5
Post by spottedshadow on Jun 22, 2008 20:42:29 GMT -5
So let me get this straight... HollyClan in favor of teaming up with the rogues, as they helped their mighty warriorYoung tom that falls in love with a she-cat from JuniperClan [Larkcry] The Mighty Warrior [Thunderstorm] Warrior that dies in battle [Open] Elder that dies in rat attack [Open] Tom warrior that falls in love with a rogue she-cat [Icefeather] Ravenstar loses at least 1 life [Ravenstar] VervainClan against teaming up with rogues or loners, "loners steal our prey" and "we have been battling rogues for ever"Kit #1 [Leafkit] Kit #2 [Clawkit] Kit #3 [Hinderkit] Warrior that dies in Rogue battle [Open] Warrior that dies in Rat attack battle [Open] Spiderstar loses at least 1 life [Spiderstar] JuniperClan [/b] in favor of teaming up with loners, as they are friends withApprentice that dies[Open] Warrior that finds dead apprentice [Limestone] Apprentice that finds dead apprentice [Skypaw] Young she-cat warrior that falls in love with the tom from HollyClan [Mossstream] Warrior that dies in rat attack [Open] Apprentice friendly with a loner [Canarypaw] Dragonstar loses at least 1 life [Dragonstar]
SageClan in favor of isolating themselves away from the other clans Warrior that wants to join the rats [Open] * Warrior that wants to join the rats [Open] Warrior that wants to let a couple loners join SageClan [Open] Apprentice that wants to be on the same side with the other clans [Dovepaw] Warrior that is betrayed by rats and dies[Open] * Winterstar loses 2 lives [Winterstar] Apprentice that dies in Rat attack [Open]
Rogues Rogue #1 that helps the Mighty Warrior [Open] Rogue #2 that helps the Mighty Warrior [Open] Rogue #3 that helps the Mighty Warrior [Open] Rogue she-cat that falls in love with a HollyClan warrior [Moffia] Rogue that gets killed and eaten by rats (happens right away) [Open] Rogue that steals prey from VervainClan [Open]
Loners Loner that steals VervainClan's prey [Darksong] Loner #1 that is friends with JuniperClan [Open] Loner #2 that is friends with JuniperClan [Open] Loner that is friends with SageClan [Flicker] Loner that is friends with the rats(dies) [Open]
Rats Rat #1 that attacks Mighty Warrior [Open] Rat #2 that attacks Mighty Warrior [Open]
Okay, I think that's all, but I just wanted to get things straight.